Monday, March 31, 2008

3/31/08 Den meetings

We had a good night at Cub Scouts tonight! Two more of our Webelos 2 den crossed over to Boy Scouts - we're sorry to see them go but happy they are continuing along the Scouting trail.

We had good attendance in our Den meetings tonight: 2 Tigers, 4 Wolves, 4 Bears, and 5 Webelos - woohoo!

We were also graced by the presence of our Unit Commissioner, Debbie Harvey, who came by to discuss some matters concerning the coming year.
Thanks, Debbie!

Next week is Henry County's Spring Break, so no den meetings Monday night. Everyone have a great 2 weeks!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Committee meeting minutes

3/8/08 Committee Meeting minutes

Cub Scouts Committee meeting
Saturday March 8, 9 a.m.

Attendees: Cynthia Andrews, David Holly, David Bynum, Susan Holly,
Robert Swanson, Sheila Adams

- Blue and Gold. It was a success, the food was great, atmosphere
great, games good. The pack earned $95 on the baskets, but we spent
more than that creating them. We should rethink the baskets for next
year. Sheila said that we broke even on the food. We collected $469
and paid them $450, but we also gave them $100 tip for their good
service, and serving extra people. Next year, it would be better if
we have a budget for the night, and charge 1 price except maybe reduce
price for kids under 7. Also we can have jugs of tea and lemonade
instead of all the bottled sodas. The awards were $216, but the
leaders did good for so many awards to earned. Susan will give out a
survey for the parents to give their opinion of the evening.

- Financial report There is a balance of $2000 in our account. We
started the year with $4000. We are in good financial condition, and
we need to consider a fund raiser for next year. Popcorn sales start
in August and the kids really need to go door to door, and to the
stores to make it worth the work. It was suggested that we have a
spaghetti dinner because we do so many fund raisers for school every
year. (If we do go with the popcorn sale the training is Aug 12.)
Sheila and David need to get together to transfer the names on the
bank card.

- Cub-o-ree April 5, 6 we will go to Camp Thunder. David will
approach Kelli about being camping coordinator. The camp fees are
$14, $6 for food, a total of $20 per camper to be collected at next
meeting. Cynthia will contact Camp Thunder with the total number of
people. Sheila said " You can always add people, but you can't take
away," so better to go ahead and call with preliminary numbers. The
camping coordinator needs to make a menu and buy the food.

- End of year cookout is May 12. Last year $400 was spent for steaks
and hamburgers along with everything else. This year maybe the pack
can buy the meat and everyone can bring a side item. We will have it
at HP church and start at 6 pm.

- Tigers need to have a Spring Roundup, to get the new scouts excited
at the elementary schools. Susan Holly will work on that.

- Cub Scout Camp is June 16-20 at Salem Baptist Church. The cost is
$80 if paid before May 1.

- Calender We planned 2 events during the summer, and tentative laid
out calender items for next year. (We are hoping to go to Yorktown in
Feb) David will update you on that soon. Committee meetings will be
every 2nd Tuesday of the month at HP church.

- Meeting was adjourned around 11 am.

Susan Holly
Pack 165 Secretary

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Good den meetings this week

We had some good den meetings last night, with 14 boys in attendance (4 Webelos, 4 Bears, 4 Wolves, and 2 Tigers). It looked everyone was having fun learning stuff: the Webelos were all gathered around a laptop, the Bears were whittling on walking sticks, the Wolves were busy looking at maps, and the Tigers were doing geography lessons with a talking globe.

Way to go, Pack 165!